How to Write a Query Letter That Literary Agents Will Notice
Friday Fuel With Wendi Fournier is a bi-weekly blog geared to get you revved up! From cool writing prompts to top publishing trends and anything else I can slide in, Friday Fuel will give you the charge needed to blaze the publishing trail.
Dream BIG. Be inspired. And above all else, #CREATEYOUREPIC!
How To Find a Literary Agent in 5 Simple Steps
Why Flawed Characters Are Important in Fiction Writing
3 Tips to Create Tension in Fiction Writing
Fiction Writing: Creating Meaningful Character Names
How to Avoid Writing Repetitive Scenes in Your Novel
How to Use Slang in Novel Writing
Voice Versus Tone (And Why It matters)
Conquering Deep POV in Novel Writing
Novel Writing Mistakes: Stop Ditching the Best Parts of Your Story
The Inciting Incident: How to Ignite Your Novel
Mastering the Midpoint in Novel Writing
Four Easy Steps to Write a Powerful Book Review
How to Find the Motivation to Write Through Tough Times
Should Indie Authors Officially Register Their Copyrights?
How to Achieve Your Writing Goals One Step at a Time
Surviving 2020: Looking Back, Moving Forward
How to Beat the Writer's Blues
Dirty Thirty: 30 Filter Words to Delete From Your Writing